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Shaping, Drying and Debinding

2000 Bar Beyond the Lithium Dilemma

Frey & Co GmbH, Bavarian manufacturer of special purpose industrial equipment, introduces new isostaticpress, enabling the efficient production of environmentally friendly NaNiCl-battery storage units.Undoubtedly, domestic solar panels are a crucial...

KRAHN Ceramics: Technology Partner on a Broad Footing

Project partner and accelerator for everything concerning the processing of ceramic powders, this is howKRAHN Ceramics GmbH has positioned itself. The company headquartered in Hamburg operates notonly as a supplier...

Rheological Properties Optimization of Ceramic Compositions: Effect of Plasticizer and Water Content

The rheological properties control of ceramic compositions shaped by extrusion is of major interest for themanufacturers to ensure the final products quality and the profitability of the process. In this...

SACMI-SAMA’s PCM Line – a Success for 20 Years

More than 200 pressure casting machines from the PCM range for tableware items have been soldaround the world by SACMI-SAMA. Of these, over 50 solutions are part of the new...

3D Screen Printing of Solar Absorbers Made of SiSiC, Sintered in an Efficient High-Performance Furnace

New manufacturing methods like 3D screen printing allow for the development of new unique designswith optimized features. In the present paper the core component of the central receiver system in...

Zero-Contamination High-Pressure Extrusion ofCeramic Bodies for Manufacturing Batteries –a Contribution to the Energy Transition

The development and manufacture of high-performance batteries for storing electric energy for stationaryand mobile applications are some of the most important preconditions for achieving the goals of theenergy transition. Herein,...

DORST Cross-Pressing Modules – X-pressTechnology for Near Net-Shape Powder Pressing

As far back as in 2005, DORST Technologies equipped the first axial powder press worldwide withsix servo-motorized cross-pressing modules – a development that would enable near net-shape pressingof entirely new...

Testing of Original Products to Increase Production Capacity

In existing plants, the production capacity of ceramic products can be optimized by increasing the throughputof dryer and kiln, i.e. by shortening the drying and firing times, even without investing...

SACMI-SAMA PHO Isostatic Presses – New Frontiers in Forming Technologies

With its range of latest generation isostatic presses PHO451 and PHO700, SACMI-SAMA leads the way as sole supplier of horizontal presses for tableware able to manufacture pieces having a diameter...

Lauffer E-Line – Highest Precision and IoT Connectivity

Since mid-2020, Lauffer/DE has been widening its product portfolio with the addition of servo-electric presses of the E-Line generation. Key feature of these E-Line presses is their excellent performance in...