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17th EPMA Powder Metallurgy (PM) Summer School 2017

The EPMA – European Powder Metallurgy Association PM Summer Schools have been designed to offer participants from all parts of Europe an advanced teaching of PM’s advantages and limitations by some of the leading academic and industrial personnel in Europe.

It is also a rare opportunity to stimulate direct technical discussions by young scientists and engineers who are interested in broadening their knowledge through interaction with senior figures in the PM industry. The events are particularly designed for young graduate designers, engineers and scientists drawn from a wide range of disciplines such as materials science, design, engineering, manufacturing or metallurgy. The EPMA PM Summer School is organised by EPMA with support from its members. The programme consists of a 5-day Summer School from Monday 19 June until Friday 23 June 2017 in Grenoble/FR. The 2017 Summer School will be coordinated jointly by Dr Marco Actis Grande from the Politecnico di Torino/IT and Dr Christian Gierl-Mayer from TU Vienna/AT together with Prof. Didier Bouvard from Grenoble INP/FR.
The course will be presented in English and is open to graduates preferably under the age of 35 who have received their degrees from an European university. Participants will receive all relevant course documents, plus accommodation, refreshments, a Welcome Reception and a Summer School Dinner. The fee also includes 18 months’ Student Membership of the EPMA, which enables members to obtain discounted rates at the Euro PM2017 Congress & Exhibition to be held 1–4 October in Milan/IT amongst other benefits.
Please contact: Scarlett Williams, E-mail: sw@epma.com

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