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2012 Turnover of the Italian Ceramic Machinery Industry

The Italian ceramic machinery ­sector has maintained its position as world leader.

Following strong growth in turnover in 2011 (+26,2 %) to return to pre-crisis levels, it experienced a small decline last year. Sales of ceramic technology worldwide totalled EUR 1667 million (4,4 % down on 2011). While continuing to account for more than three-quarters of total turnover (77,3 %), exports fell by 7,4 % to a total of EUR 1288 million. Italy has retained its leadership in technol­ogy with a uniform presence in all world markets. The European Union, ­Others Asia (a geographical area that includes India, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand) and the Middle East were the main export areas last year, accounting respectively for 17,2 %, 16,5 % and 16,2 % of the total. Next came Eastern Europe, Africa (North Africa in particular), North and South America and China. The domestic market showed a ­posi­tive trend, with Italian sales up 7,3 % to a total of EUR 79 million. This was the second consecutive yearly increase, although absolute values are still far short of the pre-crisis levels of 2008 (22,6 % lower). The number of companies remained unchanged at 150, while the workforce dropped to around 6000 employees. “We have closed 2012 with positive overall results and remain cautiously optimistic for the current year”, commented Fabio Tarozzi, Chairman of ACIMAC (Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machinery and Equipment for Ceramics). “In spite of overall sluggishness in the major world markets during the first few months of 2013, the subsequent buoyant performance suggests that we will maintain the same level of turnover this year as in 2012”, he concluded. (8/2013)

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