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3rd International Conference High-Tech Aluminas and Unfolding Their Business Prospects (Aluminas 2013)

The Indian Ceramic Society and the CSIR Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute/IN, endorsed by the International Ceramic Federation/IT are organizing the 3rd International Conference High-Tech Aluminas and Unfolding Their Business Prospects (Aluminas 2013), during 07–09 March 2013 at CSIR in Kolkata/IN.

Co-organisers of the conference are the groups Almatis Alumina Private Limited, Hindalco Industries Limited, and CUMI Carborundum Universal Limited. The conference will present talks on manufacture and business related to knowledge-based, new alumina products, in addition Plenary and Invited talks that describe new and exciting scientific ideas that have aluminium oxide as a major component or at least one of the important components. The main topics to be covered are alumina nanoparticles and nanofibres, nanostructured alumina coatings, thin films and other forms, nanofluids and their possible industrial applications, as well as miscellaneous high-tech, high-purity alumina ceramics. As in previous occasions, there will be dedicated sessions for corporate presentations. There will also be arrangements for exhibition. Well-furnished rooms will be available for one to one discussion. Important last dates of the conference are:

Submission of abstracts: 30 September 2012

Acceptance notification: 31 October 2012

Intent for Advertisement/Exhibition: 31 December 2012

Registration: 31 January 2013

Submission of full text: 30 November 2012

Late registration: 28 February 2013.


For more and detailed information please visit www.incers.org (06/2012).

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