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60th Anniversary of Tiles and Bricks Europe

Tiles and Bricks Europe – TBE, celebrates this year the 60thanniversary of the foundation of the association.

On this occasion, European brick and roofing tile producers will meet for the General Assembly and a noteworthy workshop in Brussels/BE on 10 October 2012. The General Assembly,  only for TBE members, takes place between 9.00–11.30. Afterwards the stakeholder workshop ” Financing energy-efficient buildings: how the EU can contribute to affordable housing” takes place between 13.30–16.30. Since 1952, the association promotes the interests of the roofing tiles and bricks sector in Europe and represents a valuable forum for the members to exchange information. Today, TBE is a relevant stakeholder in Brussels and plays an important role in many policy areas, such as construction, sustainability, climate and energy, standardisation and environment. TBE brings together industry associations and companies from 24 countries (21 European Union member states plus Croatia, Norway, Russia and Switzerland). The membership includes more than 700 companies of all sizes, from SMEs to world leaders, and 1300 productions sites from across Europe. The workshop on affordable energy-efficient housing takes place at the European Parliament together with EU officials and representatives of the industry. The event stresses the importance of a consistent policy framework and better access to EU financial instruments in order to promote investments in new energy-efficient buildings and the renovation of the existing building stock. The tiles and bricks sector is seen as substantial in the field of affordable and energy-efficient building as clay products are durable, affordable and deliver energy saving solutions thanks to their high thermal insulation. To register for the workshop please contact sec@cerameunie.eu For inquiries regarding sponsorship packages please contact Aiello@cerameunie.eu Further information is available at www.tiles-bricks.eu (8/2012)

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