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Blasch Precision Strikes Distribution Deal with DuPont Subsidiary

Blasch Precision has a new distribution deal with a branch of DuPont, marking the latest sign of growth at his manufacturing business in Albany.
Blasch Precision Ceramics Inc. is on pace to boost sales 15 % this fiscal year. The company now has almost 100 workers, up from a recession low of 60. Blasch makes a range of ceramic parts used in the petroleum, mining and power-generation industries. The new contract with MECS Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of chemical giant DuPont involves products Blasch makes for sulfuric-acid plants. The deal took close to two years to hammer out. Last year, Blasch added 16722 m2 of manufacturing space to its plant, a 40 % expansion that cost USSD 3,5 million. The DuPont deal is one factor why the company is quickly filling that space. Blasch was founded in 1979 and reported USD 12 million of revenue in 2010 (11/2011).

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