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CEVISAMA Launches Industry’s Grand Reunion

CEVISAMA has fired up its engines to deliver a very special edition. The leading trade event for the ceramic tile and associated industries, bathroom equipment and natural stone has started to market its next edition, which takes place from 8–12 February 2021 at Feria Valencia/ES. It will be the first major international fair following a tough year for the sector and a great opportunity to re-kindle sales.

Cevisama has launched its marketing campaign for the 2021 fair, branding the event El Reencuentro – The Reunion, aiming to consolidate its position as a leading trade fair and, above all, aspiring to serve as a catalyst for the industry as a key sales platform and a must-attend event for both suppliers and buyers. The fair’s Director, Carmen Álvarez, claims that “we are going to double our resources to ensure that CEVISAMA delivers good returns for our exhibitors and is attractive to our visitors. We think that our February fair will be the grand reunion for the industry and the perfect moment for a strong, successful return to market.”

CEVISAMA will be a showcase that will also feature incentives such as a series of activ­ities centred on the World Design Capital title that has been awarded to Valencia for 2022 and that will form a prelude to what will be a very special year for the city. To ensure the safety of all its customers, the organising body for CEVISAMA, Feria Valencia, has instituted a safety protocol that has already been applied successfully to several trade fairs that have taken place in July 2020. The venue has thus become the 1st Exhib­ition Centre in Spain to start hosting events again. The protocol is in line with the regulatory framework set by the WHO and has taken account of the work carried out in conjunction with the Exhibitions Associ­ation of Spain (AFE) and the UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry. The measures introduced include digitalization of information so as to avoid contact with paper, temperature checks at entrances, hand sanitizing stations, enhanced med­ic­al and security services, new ventilation and cleaning systems and reorganisation of spaces to ensure social distancing.

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