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Duravit Products Shown on BIMObject®

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a method with tremendous potential: comprehensive databases of information enable planning, construction and operation of a building, both in the digital and the real world. Duravit is now expanding its BIM data portfolio (so-called Revit files), and has joined the BIMobject® global network.

On the BIMobject® website and on its own professional portal pro.duravit.com, Dur­avit offers all the necessary BMI files to download for architects, planners and the sanitary, heating and air-conditioning trade. Joining BIMobject® has enabled Duravit to hugely expand this offer. Digital planning that also includes construction and operation of the building project, enables exact and more comprehensive quality assurance. This should lead to greater transparency in the construction phase and, later, to lower operating and maintenance costs. So-called integral planning based on the BIM method is already required for public projects in the USA, Great Britain, and Spain.
As providing the best possible support for all kinds of bathroom planning is part of the Duravit commitment to its customers, the designer bathroom manufacturer is now making more than 150 BIM files available on its own professional portal pro.duravit.com and on the BIMobject® network. The BIM method enables the presentation of Duravit products in various degrees of detail. In addition to the graphic and planning possibilities, the files also contains product information, such as the name, article number and dimensions.

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