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EIRICH Seminar in Thailand

The ceramic industry in Thailand is known for its focus on exports. Processing of cer­am­ic compounds including granulates, slurry and plastic compounds is a significant cost factor, and EIRICH/DE processing technology often has distinct advantages.

At request of several ceramics manufacturers, EIRICH staged a seminar in Bangkok at the end of the year 2016. More than 100 experts took part in the event and shared information on the practical aspects of processing flow optimization. The event was organized by the Ceramic Industry Club of the Federation of Thai Industries, and the theme was Energy Saving and Product Improvement with New Technologies. The different process steps were visualized using an EIRICH lab mixer. EIRICH grinding technology and the EcoPrep® process for production of tile press bodies were other major items on the agenda. The industry professionals attending the seminar actively participated in the discussions on granulating, kneading and dispersing operations which EIRICH mixers can perform efficiently and at lower cost. Deliberations on opportunities for optimization on the production floor will now continue at the manufacturing sites.

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