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EPMA Launches New Club Project on Micro-Mechanical Testing

The European Powder Metallurgy Associ­ation (EPMA) is launching a new club project on micro­mechanical testing: a quantitative method for measuring local mechanical properties in hardmetals in partnership with CEIT San Sebastian, NPL London and UPC Barcelona.

The proposed project is an exploratory study to assess the ability of micro­sample testing to measure mechanical properties of hard­ metals at the local scale. The project will cover the behaviour of individual features such as WC grains, WC­WC interfaces and the binder. For this purpose micro-samples of different geometries (beams, pillars) will be machined using FIB and tested with a nanoindenter system to measure force-­dis­placement information. This project is the first stage of what could be an ambitious programme aimed at the development of robust metrology for the mechanical char­acterization of key microstructural features in hardmetals. The research will be coordinated by CEIT and will be partially co­funded by NPL, with the overall cost to the split between a min­imum of 4 industrial project partners. The project is planned to start in the next few months, with the project being planned to be 8 months long. The project is open both EPMA members and non­members alike (special conditions apply for non­members), with a full descrip­tion of the project available at

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