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Further Sharp Fall in Chinese Ceramic Tile Exports

The final 2016 figures for ceramic tile export volumes from China, the world’s largest exporter, reveal a significant fall for the 3rd year running towards all major geographical regions with the exception of Oceania, where sales rose by just over 2 Mm2 (mainly to Australia).

Overall, China saw a fresh contraction in its tile exports of almost 63 Mm2 in 2016 (–5,9 %), the largest falls being in Africa (–14 %, a reduction of more than 32 Mm2 of exports), the Americas (–11,3 %, a reduction of more than 20 Mm2, most significantly in Mexico) and Asia (–1,3 %, down almost 7,5 Mm2). The African country that saw the biggest fall in Chinese imports was Nigeria (which in the space of a year almost vanished from the rankings of top markets for Chinese tiles with a contraction of 37 Mm2 of exports), while the area of Asia to experience the most significant decline was Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia (–23 %) and the United Arab Emirates (–14,5 %). Chinese exports to these two countries fell by a total of around 20 Mm2. However, there remains a hard core of Asian countries where Chinese tile exports are growing rapidly, namely the Philippines, South Korea, Indonesia and Pakistan. Chinese imports to these countries exceeded 220 Mm2 in 2016 with growth rates consistently higher than 20 % a year.

(Source: ACIMAC Research Center, Italy)

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