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German Environmental Award 2011 for WS Wärmeprozesstechnik

On the 30th October 2011 German President Christian Wulff handed over Europe’s most lucrative environmental award to Dr Joachim Alfred Wünning and Dr Joachim Georg Wünning, Managing Directors of the Renningen based WS Wärmeprozesstechnik GmbH.
With the award the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt honoured a committed, innovative medium-sized VDMA (German Engineering Federation) member company of the specialist Thermo Process Technology Association for the development of an environmentally friendly burner technology. The FLOX process developed by the father-and-son team is a special technology for industrial burners. FLOX stands for „flameless oxidation“. If applied in industrial manufacturing processes the new technology provides energy savings ranging from 20–50 % compared to traditional processes. The level of nitrogen-oxides that is formed in high-temperature processes can be considerably reduced. The successful introduction of FLOX on international markets demonstrates the practical applicability of the technology. Ecology and economy go hand in hand with FLOX as expensive exhaust gas cleaning systems are no longer needed and less fuel is consumed. The technology reduces health risks and negative effects on the environment caused by emissions. As a longstanding member of the Thermo Process Technology specialist association of VDMA, the company has been actively involved in the network committing itself to energy efficient and environmental friendly production processes. WS actively participated in the drafting of the Energy Efficiency Manual for Thermo Processing Plants released by the association and is a committed member of the Research Association of Industrial Furnace Manufacturers (FOGI) that coordinates pre-competitive research activities of the sector. Nearly 40 % of the energy consumed by German industry is for industrial furnaces. That is why the member companies of the Thermo Process Technology specialist association have been long engaged in promoting further development of thermo processing technologies that tap resource flows effectively and keep emissions down. The use of recuperators, regenerators and improved thermal processes contributes to achieving these goals. Modern plants in the sectors of steel and glass production as well as in chemical or petrochemical industries or in automotive manufacturing provide energy savings up to one third compared with older plants (10/2011).

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