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Ibstock Decides once again in Favour of KELLER HCW

In 2015, KELLER HCW/DE received from the Ibstock Group/GB the fiercely contested contract to build an ultra-modern facing brick plant in the British village of Ibstock.

It the 3rd brick plant at this location for the largest brick manufacturer in Great Britain  and also the 8th plant from KELLER. The new plant whose commissioning is scheduled for 2017 will produce approximately 100 million soft mud bricks. The KELLER project starts downstream of the soft mud plant supplied by de Boer/NL. The plant impresses, amongst other aspects, with its very low energy consumption requirements. A tunnel dryer with slotted jet walls and integrated sand collecting and cleaning equipment will be erected in Ibstock – still relatively uncommon for soft mud installations; however, it facilitates optimal heat energy management. Another characteristic, is the newest generation of control systems that will be implemented in the new Ibstock plant: Siemens TIA portal in the high-end segment S7-1500 both for process control and for automation technology. Thus, the new Ibstock plant will be one of the most modern brickworks worldwide.

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