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The 5th edition of Asean’s dedicated ceramic annual event KERAMIKA took place in Jakarta, 17–20 March 2016, co-located wih the MEGA BUILD INDONESIA 2016 and the Jakarta Design Week 2016.

Organizers were PT Reed Panorama Exhibitions and the Indonesia Ceramic Industry Association – ASAKI. KERAMIKA showed an exhibiting area of 30 000 m2 with 275 exhibiting companies, from 19 countries besides Indonesia: Australia, Austria, China, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, the Netherland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and USA. The fair was visited by 35 400 visitors from over eight countries, 77,38 % of them was satisfied with the show. ASAKI, established in 1977, has an active membership of 92 companies including manufacturers of ceramic tiles, sanitaryware, tableware, refractory as well as suppliers of raw materials and machinery. ASAKI members work closely with the Ceramic Manufacturing Training Center to provide guidance to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Dinoyo, Plered East Java and West Java. Within ASEAN, ASAKI is an active member of the Ceramic Industry Club of Southeast Asian Countries (CICA). At international level, ASAKI is an active member of the World Tile Manufacturers Forum, located in Brussels, Belgium with composes of world ceramic manufacturers from more the 30 countries. ASAKI is actively participating in local and overseas events with the missions to promote the Indonesian ceramic industry, as well as to keep the local industry updated on the industry development worldwide, both indesign and technology.

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