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Lucideon: Industrial Partner in a Business in the Community (BITC) Programme

Lucideon, international provider of materials development, testing and assurance, announces its participation as an industrial partner in a business in the Community (BITC) Programme – Business Class. Business Class is a government-endorsed programme, which provides a systematic framework for businesses to support young people in education.

Lucideon partnered with the Excel Academy in Stoke-on-Trent and co-taught 9 students, under the aegis of the STEMNET (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Network) Ambassadors scheme. The Lucideon STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Ambassadors, Dr Chris Green, Dr Andrew Smith, Stuart Watson and Caroline Mullington, delivered a ceramic tile project based around the development of tests and the measurement of physical properties of five different ceramic clay bodies. The project was designed to encourage students to think about the actual properties, strength, water absorption, density, etc., and how the
physical properties of the fired ceramic tiles made from the different clay bodies could be evaluated, and what the differences would be.

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