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Nabaltec Continues Performance in the 1st Half of 2012

Nabaltec AG/DE maintained its sound revenue and earnings performance in the second quarter of 2012.

The turnaround already achieved in the first quarter of 2012 relative to the second half of 2011, when growth was considerably weaker, was confirmed by the business results from April to June. Consolidated revenues in the second quarter of 2012 amounted to EUR 34,2 million, nearly staying at the high level reached in the same quarter of last year (EUR 34,8 million or –1,7 %). At the same time, the substantial revenues from the previous quarter of EUR 34,1 million were matched. Aggregate revenues for the first 6 months of EUR 68,3 million represent a slight decline from the record figure of the first half of 2011, when EUR 70,1 million was earned. A sharp gain of 16 % was attained over the second half of 2011. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) at the consolidated level were EUR 6,7 million in the first half of 2012 after EUR 8,4 million in the same period of last year. Compared to the first quarter, EBIT increased sharply by 39,3 % in the second quarter of 2012. Revenues in the business division Functional Fillers increased from EUR 23,4 to 23,8 million or 1,7 % over the second quarter of 2011. Compared to the first quarter, the business division managed to increase by 2,6 %. This growth was borne above all by the sound performance of fine precipitated hydroxides, which set a new revenue record in the first half. At EUR 10,3 million in the reporting period, the business division Technical Ceramics was 9,6 % down from the same quarter of last year and 5,5 % down from the first quarter of 2012. Under the given circumstances, Nabaltec anticipates revenue growth in the low single digits for 2012 as a whole.

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