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New System for Energy Savings for Continuous Kilns

The continuous development of energy efficient technologies is one of the most important tasks and demands for all kiln builders. Keramischer OFENBAU GmbH located at Hildesheim/DE developed a new, energy-efficient firing system, which is both, ecologically and economically worthwhile. It is about a highly efficient operation mode of high-velocity burners with the new EnerViT system, completely equipped with flame control and Lambda measurements by using ZrO2 sensors.

By means of this new firing system the en­ergy necessary for heating up the combustion air can be reduced to such an extent that 25 % of primary energy can be saved, depending on product, throughput and curve design. The CO2 output is being reduced to the same extent. This system is suitable for continuous kilns with oxidizing atmosphere. Automation heating up and cooling down is also possible without any problems. Modernization of older tunnel kilns which have been in operation for many years and updating them to the new system is also possible in the frame of modification measures. EnerViT has proved itself in large-scale industrial continuous operation. The energy savings achieved exceeded by far the already high expectations on the system. For temperature uniformity and quality of glaze surface significant peak values could be reached. All in all, Keramischer OFENBAU has increased the research and development activities considerably, while constantly cooperating with several institutes, and research and project supporters. This particular development project has been promoted by means of the European Fonds for Regional Development (ERFE), the Federal State of Lower Saxony and the region of Hildesheim (HI-REG).

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