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PMAI Conferences in 2015

The PMAI is the premier organization for Powder Metallurgy (PM) professionals in India and was founded in 1973.

Meanwhile is PMAI an association of Indian and overseas PM professionals from industry, research laboratories and academia and is conducting its Annual International Conference on 19–21 January 2015 at the Victor Menezes Convention Centre (VMCC) of the Indian Institute of Technology [IIT(B)] on the campus in Mumbai. Conference topics are: modeling of PM parts and processes, materials and alloy development, powder production and characterisation, compaction and other forming processes, compaction equipment, sintering
and sintering equipment, hard metal, diamond tools, refractory metals, ceramics and composites, materials for aerospace and defence applications, testing and evaluation of PM parts, health/safety and environment, materials for alternative energy generation, advanced processing equipment, medical applications, PIM (MIM and CIM) technology, laser sintering, cladding and coating, magnetic materials, SMC and hard magnets and additive manufacturing.

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