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RAK Porcelain Increases Its Tableware Production Capacity

The gradual process of doubling the tableware output capacity at RAK Porcelain has now reached completion following the purchase of modern European manufacturing technology.

So there have been supplied from Italy a SACMI TKA 240/88,2 roller kiln for firing glazed products (equipped with relative automatic handling) and from Germany a SACMI/SAMA 2-head isostatic press LPP-2S-38 for the dry pressing of plates and bowls (equipped with automatic finishing units for non-round articles). In the recent past the Ras Al-Khaimah-based giant had already installed an automatic cup-making machine and two pressure casting benches for large trays and plates, again supplied by SACMI Group. The existing biscuit kiln has, instead, been modernised to allow two-tier firing. Thanks to the technology adopted RAK Porcelain has not only boosted its output, but also maximised control of both production efficiency and the first-rate product quality, that is making ever-larger gains on the luxury tableware market.

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