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Riedhammer Kilns for Slavutskiy Budfarfor

Slavutskiy Budfarfor is a joint venture between Sanitec Group/FI and Ukrainian private investors, where Sanitec has a 51 % shareholding.

Sanitec is one of the leading companies in Europe in the sanitary ceramics industry. With the investment in Ukraine opportunities will be given to also further increase its share on the Eastern European market, an area that continues to show signs of strong dynamism in terms of growing domestic demand. Slavutskiy Budfarfor has decided to boost the output capacity of its plant in Slavuta, a town located in the north-west of Ukraine. One of the important parts of the investment is an all-new tunnel kiln built by Riedhammer/DE, part of Sacmi Group/IT. The TWS-model kiln – a 147 m long, 3,6 m wide – was installed, tested and started up last February, and provides an output of some 4200 pcs/d. The plant also includes a shuttle kiln, supplied also by Sacmi Riedhammer, a 9-car HWS model able to re-fire up to 1100 pcs/d. The investment will allow Slavutskiy Budfarfor to increase its presence in Ukrainian market, with further opportunities for expansion in the strategic “bridge zone” between the EU and the Russian market (8/2011).

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