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SGL Group and AGH Krakow to Establish an International Carbon Center

SGL Group – The Carbon Company/DE and the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow/PL have signed a framework agreement for a joint International Carbon Center to be established at the Krakow University of Science and Technology.
The objectives of the cooperation agreement are to promote and expand carbon and graphite knowledge in the educational sphere and to develop alternative and improved materials and processes for synthetic graphites. Supporting activities of SGL Group include the establishment of the SGL Group Lecture Hall, discourses about carbon materials as well as the creation of a carbon material laboratory at the AGH University.
Dr Gerd Wingefeld, Member of the Board of Management of SGL Group: “It is both the university’s international reputation as well as its unique competence in metallurgy that have made the AGH University of Science and Technology the partner of choice for SGL Group’s global research activities in the field of synthetic graphite.” Through a series of lectures on the subject of “Industrial carbon” as well as endowed scholarships for scientific work, SGL Group has continuously promoted the practical training of future engineers and scientists at the Krakow University of Science and Technology since 2011. This cooperation enlarges the graphite competence of AGH and supports the education of highly qualified scientists in carbon and graphite materials. Within SGL Group’s global production network, their Polish facilities in Raciborz and Nowy Sacz set the benchmark for efficiency and quality standards in their fields of production. Raciborz supplies furnace linings to some of the largest blast furnace projects in the world. In Nowy Sacz, SGL Group produces cathodes, furnace linings, carbon electrodes as well as industrial graphite materials, e.g. anode material for lithium ion batteries.
SGL Group is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of carbon-based products and materials. It has a comprehensive portfolio ranging from carbon and graphite products to carbon fibers and composites. SGL Group’s core competencies are its expertise in high-temperature technology as well as its applications and engineering know-how gained over many years. These competencies enable the Company to make full use of its broad material base. SGL Group’s carbon-based materials combine several unique properties such as very good electrical and thermal conductivity, heat and corrosion resistance as well as high mechanical strength combined with low weight. Due to industrialization in the growth regions of Asia and Latin America and increased substitution of traditional with innovative materials, there is a growing demand for SGL Group’s high-performance materials and products. Products from SGL Group are used predominantly in the steel, aluminum, automotive and chemical industries as well as in the semiconductor, solar and LED sectors and in lithium-ion batteries. Carbon-based materials and products are also being used increasingly in the wind power, aerospace and defense industries. With 47 production sites in Europe, North America and Asia as well as a service network covering more than 100 countries, SGL Group is a company with a global presence. In 2011, the company’s workforce of around 6500 employees generated sales of EUR 1540 million. (10/2012)-

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