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Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft Awards Seal of Quality

CeramTec receives the Innovative through Research Seal of Quality from the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (German Science Foundation) for its R&D activities. Only a small percentage of all German companies are actively involved in R&D to ensure their future viability – and thus that of the entire country. CeramTec belongs to this innovative group and participates according to the motto “Only those who research can develop new products and thus create innovation and growth.”

The ceramics experts therefore support the German industry and the public sector to achieve 3,13 % and once again clearly exceed the goal of the Europe 2020 strategy of spending 3 % of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on R&D. The Stifterverband is one of the largest private science sponsors in Germany and evaluates, among other things, internal company expenditures and budget planning for research and development for the award. Other core indicators include R&D personnel, the regional distribution of research facilities and key business indicators. The R&D data collected also serve the Federal Government as a decisive basis for the further development of its economic, innovation and technology policy. CeramTec can look back on the annual awarding of the Seal of Quality since 2016.

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