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XJet Announced Global Partnership with Straumann

XJet Ltd./IL announced that it is working with global dentistry leader Straumann Group/CH to boost the Carmel 1400 AM System at its Basel headquarters from concept to production. Straumann Group develops, manufactures, and supplies ­dental implants, instruments, biomaterials, CADCAM prosthetics, digital equipment, software, and clear aligners for applications in replacement, restorative, orthodontic and preventive dentistry.

“We’ve been working with XJet NanoPar­ticle jetting technology for some time, up to now it has been used for developing product iterations and providing proof of concept. Now we’re scoring the first product development project to reach the next level of bringing this technology to production of ceramic end-use parts. We believe this technology can scale-up for production effect­ively,” said Straumann VP Stephan Oehler. Straumann was an early adopter of ceramic Additive Manufacturing as one of the first companies to invest in XJet NPJ technology.

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