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ZMB BRAUN Strides Forward!

HÄNDLE, based in Mühlacker/DE, as one of the world’s leading manufacturers of  machines and equipment for the preparation and shaping of ceramic raw materials, has taken over heavy clay die assembly and pressure head maker Ziegelmundstückbau Braun GmbH in Friedrichshafen/DE, and beginning 1st January 2014, is conducting business under the unchanged name ZMB BRAUN GmbH.

The facility itself and some 100 jobs remain sustainably secure. Two industrial pacemakers in the ceramic industry are coming together to form a strong partnership. The product array at ZMB BRAUN comprises of die assemblies and pressure heads for heavy clay extrusion, extrusion tools for technical ceramic products (catalytic converters and other ceramic filters) and contract manufacturing activities. “Through this partnership, we are providing the ZMB BRAUN brand with excellent opportunities for its business operations and giving the world’s users of high-quality products by BRAUN full assurance of complete continued access to quality products coupled with good technical support,” says Gerhard Fischer, Managing Director at HÄNDLE, who is also taking the reins at ZMB BRAUN GmbH. “This announcement clears up any uncertainties concerning BRAUN’s future that may still have been in circulation. Our common goal is to preserve and expand the company excellent relationships – and the combined expertise is sure to be very beneficial, especially for our shared customers.”

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