Bayern Innovativ
The Additive Manufacturing Coordination Office of Bayern Innovativ will be represented at ceramitec 2022 with a booth in Hall C3, Stand 431. Visit us at the booth and find out which innovative ceramic 3D printing ideas have been implemented by partners of the New Materials Cluster in Bavaria. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Bavarian Innovations in Additive Manufacturing at ceramitec 2022 – Quo vadis, ceramic 3D Printing?
In the past, lithography processes such as SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) or DLP (Digital Light Processing) were used for ceramic 3D printing. The reasons for the initially low use of this new technology were the unwillingness of companies to use additive processes for components, a lack of know-how, and the acquisition costs for corresponding equipment of usually well over EUR 100 000, combined with high material costs. The long production times of the components also imply high unit costs. Depending on the manufacturing process, there were and are limitations on part size and with the SLS process, the suspensions are system specific. The issue with some of the 3D printing processes used for technical ceramics is the challenging development of the debinding oven curve, which can take up to five days, and the design changes to implement the customer’s components.
Despite all these challenges, additive manufacturing is a future technology, also for the ceramics industry. Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)/Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) technology, for example, is a simple and affordable way to manufacture ceramic components. Companies are very interested in manufacturing equipment that combines industrial production standards, such as reliability and high-quality components, with a cost-reducing modular approach. With the help of the know-how from the project “Economic Additive Manufacturing through Modular Machine Concepts for Small Series Production in SMEs” (AddPro-KMU) of the Nuremberg University of Technology, a suitable machine concept was put together for the FFF technology, in the successful implementation of which the start-up Keramik Innovation Berthold was involved with its ceramic expertise.
The Additive Manufacturing Coordination Office of Bayern Innovativ will be represented at ceramitec 2022 with a booth in Hall C3, Stand 431. Visit us at the booth and find out which innovative ceramic 3D printing ideas have been implemented by partners of the New Materials Cluster in Bavaria. We are looking forward to seeing you!