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Bedeschi Handles 3 New Challenges: Technical Solution – Integration – Installation Time for Ibstock

Over the last 112 years of activity, Bedeschi /IT was several times challenged by customers to come up with new solutions to fit particular requirements. This was the case with Ibstock South Holmwood Factory/GB, which was looking to replace the setting machine in operation since the 1980’s.

This first challenge was the fact that, the new setting machine had to split automatically the bricks on the gripper head, instead of a traditional splitting table, in order to save time and therefore become more efficient. This was an entirely new concept to Ibstock production experience. Ibstock and Bedeschi, worked together enabling to find the most feasible technical solution and were able to optimize the set up by using 2 robots which will actually split the bricks on the gripper head, providing an horouly output of 20 800 bricks and a cycle time of 13,8 s per layer. Integration was the second challenge. The Bedeschi setting machine had to smoothly fit, from both mechanical, electrical and software points of view, with all the of the existing equipment’s such as dryers unloading, kiln cars and control systems. Typically, this is always a difficult task but both Teams cooperated very closely having found the correct solution to suit all the requirements.

Last but not the least, comes the third challenge to do with installation time. The available time window was of 10 days only, and in that time, Bedeschi had to disassemble the old setting machine, install the new one, work on the new electrical wiring, set up the new software, test and commission.

The most rewarding factors are that, Bedeschi achieved all the goals based on excellent team work with Ibstock South Holmwood staff and that the new setting machine with splitting on the gripper heads, has been operating since June 2019 up to full expectations. The new setting machine is corresponding to all requirements of Industry 4.0.

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