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Italian Robotic Grippers for Austrian Building Materials Technology

In 2022, for Wienerberger Group, the Austrian building materials giant and one of the world’s largest producers of bricks, Bedeschi/IT developed and installed robotic islands specific for transport and handling of wet, dry and fired products.

The robotic grippers developed by Bedeschi’s R&D team, have a lower weight but higher gripping strength. This highly innovative project is the result of the Padua-based company’s expertise across a variety of industrial sectors and its more than a century of experience in the field of handling and automation for the heavy clay sector. Bedeschi trademark has always been the ability to differentiate the range of products and offers based on clients’ exigencies and needs. The company firmly believes that bespoken solutions are the best choice to understand the real needs of the customer to create “the solution” for the case and the possibility to maximise for each project the desired performances of the equipment, taking into account the sustainability matter. For this reason, the grippers have been developed with a weight reduction ensuring handling the material with the same energy consumption, thus, reducing energy waste. In detail, Bedeschi delivered and started up: 

  • A first robotic island made up of two anthropomorphic robots synchronized with the existing cutting line, complete with special pneumatic grippers to take the wet material and a third anthropomorphic robot complete with grippers for the handling of metal strips. 
  • A second robotic island, to replace an underperforming stacking gripper, consisting of two new anthropomorphic robots both equipped with a series of special pneumatic grippers complete with an automatic device for quick replacement of the grippers according to the dry product handled. 
  • A third robotic island, to replace an old unstacking gripper, with two new anthropomorphic robots both equipped with a gripper to unload the fired material from the kiln car. 

All the special grippers installed have been designed with particular aluminium alloys, allowing considerable weight and energy consumption reduction while keeping high mechanical resistance and assuring better gripping of the handled material while safeguarding the quality of the products. The project was successfully concluded in June 2022.

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