Home » Technologies & Materials » Laboratory Equipment, Process Supervision » Analysis and Optimization of the Binder Burnout of3D-Printed Ceramic Components

Analysis and Optimization of the Binder Burnout of3D-Printed Ceramic Components

The production of sophisticated ceramic components by means of 3D printing is becoming increasingly
important in modern industry. Thanks to this method, prototype production or the manufacture
of small series can be realised much faster and more efficiently compared to alternative or traditional
ceramic manufacturing processes. Customer specific mass production of complex ceramic components
was already realised, as well. The worldwide technology and market leader in the field of lithographic
3D-printers of ceramic components is Lithoz GmbH/AT. Through interdisciplinary collaboration between
specialists from the fields of mechanical engineering, process engineering and chemistry, Lithoz has succeeded
in developing a manufacturing system with which ceramics for industrial and medical applications
can be generatively manufactured.

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