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Pushing the Limits of Metal Oxide Particle Production: The Pulsation Reactor

IBU-tec’s Pulsation Reactor is a technology for producing fine powders. It can be characterised as a thermal shock treatment with a unique functional principle: a periodically unsteady flame reactor in which gas-borne substances can be thermally treated at retention times between 0,2–2 s. Due to the pulsation
of the hot gas flow, the axial velocity field is even more similar to a plug-flow than a turbulent flow without pulsation. This leads to a very narrow residence time distribution, which ensures a very homogeneous treatment of the educt. Additionally, the pulsating hot gas flow causes an increased convective heat and
mass transfer to and from the particles. In order to investigate the impact of the process conditions in the Pulsation Reactor on the resulting material properties, three different materials have been synthesized: aluminium oxide, cerium dioxide and iron oxide. The results show that the Pulsation Reactor platform enables specific control of the size and surface properties of metal oxide particles. The properties of the materials generated in Pulsation Reactors are significantly different from materials generated in conventional kilns such as rotary kiln or muffle furnace. In Pulsation Reactors metastable phases can also be produced.

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