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IWM-IAPK Colloquium 2017: Sintering as a Future Technology – Opportunities and Challenges

On 16.03.2017, at the Technology Centre on Europaplatz, in Aachen/ DE, the IWM-IAPK Colloquium was held under the heading “Sintering as a Future Technology – Opportunities and Challenges”. In his welcome address, speaking to the over 100 attendees, the host, Prof. Dr-Ing. Christoph Broeckmann (Fig. 1), proclaimed that sintering is a technology with a long past, but has great future potential, too. The event gave an insight into relevant issues from research and industry concerning sintering of both metallic and ceramic materials. As well as spotlighting technological developments of modern sintering processes, the event focussed on numerical methods for simulation of the sintering process. To follow on from the presentation
of the papers, a tour of the Institute for Materials Applications in Mechanical Engineering had been arranged.

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