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Powder Metallurgy – Key Technology for Innovative System Solutions

The 38th Hagen Symposium was held from 28.–29.11.2019, with more than 190 attendees from 11 nations in Stadthalle Hagen, Germany.

The accompanying exhibition was arranged by 54 companies. Speakers from the aerospace sector had been enlisted, who reported on the current powder metallurgy developments in this sector. Other papers addressed the storage of chemical and electrical energy in the form of metal hydride storage units and batteries. The raw materials and materials necessary for all these systems are finite, subject to global demand and some require special production processes. Reports on competing production processes, machining, and the production of special tool systems therefore provided valuable information. The availability of rare earths and the hard magnets made from these was discussed. Papers on the reduction of the noise characteristics of combustion engines and new concepts for E-mobility and the powertrain provided very up-to-date information. The SKAUPY paper was given by Prof. Dr-Ing. Dirk Biermann (TU Dortmund University/DE). Thanks to his research activities, new insights in the thermal and mechanical loading of tools during machining, the influence of effective cooling lubricant strategies on the machining performance and the significance of the microgeometry of the cutting edge have been made accessible to a broad public. Prof. Dr-Ing. Christoph Broeckmann (RWTH University of Aachen – IWM/DE) gave the laudatory address for the Award Winner.

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