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2015 Powder Injection Moulding Short Course in Barcelona

The 4th in the latest series of EPMA Short Courses will take place 15–17 April 2015 in Barcelona/ES and will focus on Powder Injection Moulding (PIM).

The two-day PIM Course will start with an Introduction to Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) and subsequent lectures will include Powder Manufacture, Raw Materials: Feedstock, Injection Moulding and Micro-Moulding, Ceramic Injection Moulding (CIM) and Debinding amongst others. The Course will be particularly beneficial to technical and managerial personnel in the PIM industry and its customers requiring a more comprehensive understanding of powder injection moulding capabilities and applications. It will also be useful to academics and researchers with an interest in PIM and who wish to gain an overview of trends in the field. Space will be limited and early booking is highly recommended using the online PDF-registration form on the EPMA website: www.epma.com/shortcourse. Places will be allocated on a fi rst-come-fi rst-served basis and only when payment is received will the registration be confirmed.
Further information is available at: www.epma.com/shortcourse or contact the course coordinator Joan Hallward (E-mail: jh@epma.com).

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