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3rd International Symposium Materials Processing Science with Lasers as Energy Sources

Nowadays industrial production processes are inconceivable without lasers. Lasers are established in numerous areas of materials processing like cutting, drilling and welding.

Advantages of laser technologies include their high cost effectiveness, the reproducible adjustability of process parameters and the excellent quality of processed products. Laser systems are suitable for providing controllable energies in a defined volume with a minimum heat transfer to surrounding components. Furthermore, the transfer of process heat via lasers does not impose the risk of contamination or unwanted chermical reactions with gaseous media from, e.g., a combustion process. These unique properties are continuously stimulating new applications for lasers as energy sources in thermal processing. Consequently, novel processing routes in additive manufacturing, coating technologies, and nanoparticle synthesis are on their way from reserach to industry.
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, TU Clausthal and Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft (DKG), all Germany, together with the European Ceramic Society (ECerS) organize on 22–23 April 2014 the 3rd International Symposium Materials Processing Science with Laser as Energy Sources at BAM in  Berlin/DE. The goal of the symposium is to bring together experts from materials science and from the laser community with the common interest in laser assisted materials processing. Engineers from industry and scientists from research institutes will exchange information on all aspects of laser treatment of materials. Further information is available at: www.mpsl2014.dkg.de (6/2013)

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