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CIMTEC 2014 – 13th International Conference on Modern Mater­ials and Technologies will be held in Montecatini Terme, in the environs of Florence, Italy, on 8–20 June 2014.

CIMTEC will consist of the 13th International Ceramics Congress (8–13 June) and of the 6th ­Forum on New Materials (15–20 June). The whole conference will include 25 international symposia, 6 inter­national conferences and several special sessions. As a major long standing event for the international materials community, CIMTEC will again gather together a large and qualified audience of materials scientists, physicists, chemists and engin­eers as well as experts of a wide range of the most demanding application sectors of modern materials, from information technology to biological systems. Outstanding areas of the subject will be covered, from the molecular and nanoscales to large complex integrated systems. Abstract deadline for papers is 15 October 2013. Please note that only abstracts submitted on-line will be considered, and only one abstract may be submitted by the same presenting author. Further information is available at: www.cimtec-congress.org (6/2013)

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