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Appointments at the European Federation for Table- and Ornamentalware

The General Assembly of the European Federation for Table- and Ornamentalware (FEPF) appointed Gérard Zink as its new president.

G. Zink has spent over 25 years in the tableware sector as shareholder and Managing Director of Guy Degrenne, and particularly as former CEO of Porcelain Guy Degrenne in France and Hungary. G. Zink is currently Co-President of the Deshoulières Group. For the first time a Vice-President of FEPF has been nominated. Kevin Oakes, Chief Executive of Steelite International, with 35 years of experience in ceramic tableware industry, will bring additional competencies to the European Federation. In this newly reinforced chairmanship, the FEPF will continue to respond to the challenges and opportunities being currently faced by the European ceramic tableware industry, including the on-going anti-dumping investigation against imports of cheap ceramic tableware from China and the new legislative revision on food contact materials. The European Federation for Table- and Ornamentalware, presently comprising four members from France, Germany, Italy and Great Britain, encourages ceramic tableware associations or producers from other European countries to join FEPF in order to cooperate together on issues pertinent to the European ceramic tableware industry, notably in the fields of trade policy, environment and health as well as technical and scientific issues.

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