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Closely Cooperation between Dorst Technologies und Frey Systeme

Dorst Technologies und Frey Systeme closely cooperate in the domain of uniaxial powder compacting and sizing presses with servo-motorised hydraulic drive (SMHA).

As of now, Frey will build these presses for Dorst, while Dorst exclusively will bring them to the global market and ensure after-sales-service. This cooperation will result in interesting synergistic effects, both in the technical as well as in the commercial sector, for the benefit of their customers around the world. The other product ranges of both companies remain unaffected by this cooperation. At Dorst, these are the hydraulic and servo-electrical high-tech manufacturing systems for the production of intricate high-preci- sion components from metal powder and ceramic materials. At Frey, these are mainly the products in the field of conventional hydraulic and isostatic pressing technology.

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