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Complete Retrofit of Carbell Kilns

Saint Gobain Abrasives has chosen Nutec Bickley/MX for the complete retrofit of its three Carbell kilns ­ori­gin­ally installed in 1985.

The project includes a complete new control and safety system incorporating the ­latest pulse firing systems and compliant flame safety equipment. The control system will be integrated into a factory SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system. The kilns will be upgraded for a cost of less than USD 500 000. Nutec took over Bickley kilns in the year 2000 and has since supplied both new Carbell kilns and retrofits to customers worldwide. The ­add­ition of heat exchangers and hot combustion air can further reduce fuel consumption by as much as 25 %. Saint-Gobain Abrasives is the largest global abrasive supplier for bonded, coated, non-woven and superabrasives as well as diamond and equipment products for the industrial, construction, automotive repair and do-it-yourself markets.

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