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Duravit: Double-Digit Growth and Heavy Investment in 2015

The Duravit Group continues to enjoy success. In the year of the ISH, the 11 new products are extremely popular on an international level. At the same time, the Duravit Group invests in factories and new technologies in Germany and abroad.

By doing this, the designer-bathroom manufacturer is building a solid foundation for the future. In 2015, Duravit exceeded the EUR 400 million revenue mark for the 1st time and, with net proceeds of EUR 432,3 million, grew by 10,7 % compared with the previous year. This positive result is thanks to the work of 5804 employees throughout the world. The company’s positive growth was a result of its market success, particularly in international export markets, such as the USA, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia, Spain and various regions in North Africa and China. In addition, 2015 saw above-average success on the German home market. In 2015, new and existing products from the mid- to premium-price designer ranges experienced particularly good growth. The same is true of bathtubs and shower trays, as well as the various SensoWash® shower-toilet systems. All 11 production sites around the world are working to full capacity. Duravit has responded to this by investing in a new factory in China and also in the existing factories. Hornberg/DE and Meissen/DE have new casting plants and further technological innovations are being implemented.

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