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ECTS Creates New Ceramic Non-Heavy Clay Group

Starting this year, ECTS – European Ceramic Technology Suppliers will be expanding its activities and will be broaden the membership of the Working Group to companies of the ceramic non-heavy clay industries. Companies interested are invited to join the next ECTS meeting held on 9 April in Munich, in the forerun to ceramitec 2018.

“As our 24 ECTS members are mainly from the heavy clay machinery sector, we need to expand our activities also to companies from the fine and technical ceramics machinery industry”, explains the Group’s Chairman Miquel Moix, Sales Manager Beralmar Technologic S.A./ES. They will form a new Group within the ECTS framework in order to exchange views and ideas and define activities according to their special needs. All ECTS members will invite non-member companies of the ceramics machinery industry to the meeting. “But of course, everybody who is interested and will be at ceramitec anyway, is invited to attend”, says M. Moix. Also, the ECTS/VDMA Lounge which is located next to the ceramitec-Forum in hall A5 will serve as a meeting and information point of the ECTS community. In terms of business, ECTS members are currently doing well. In a survey carried out recently among the Group, most of the companies stated that 2018 was quite sure to be a good year since production was already fully booked until mid-2018.
A big question mark is pending over 2019. By now, no plant project or new line are on the horizon. According to the survey, business is currently mainly run by spare parts and services to older plants. To make business run smoothly in the future, new plants need to come up in 2019. However, companies are agile and are looking for new customer segments to open new opportunities. In terms of markets, ECTS members see Latin America as a market with potential. After having held successful symposia in Peru and Colombia last year, ECTS will organize a symposium in Mexico in autumn 2018, just before the US Clemson Brick Forum.

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