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EnerViT Plus – Energy Efficient Kilns between Present and Future

Keramischer OFENBAU, based in Hildesheim/DE and known for its extremely energy-efficient kiln systems, is constantly setting new milestones in the further development of energy savings in ceramic production. 

There are worldwide efforts to implement alternative, clean solutions for reducing global warming and enabling zero-emission processes. Overall change from fossil fuels, such as natural gas or LPG to alternatives such as hydrogen, syngas, biogas and electric energy and building up the corresponding capacities and supply chains worldwide may take up to 10 years. With EnerViT plus, Keramischer OFENBAU offers an energy-efficient bridging technology for today’s kiln plants. Besides the equipment of new continuous kilns with this highly efficient heating system, a big advantage is the conversion/retrofitting of existing kilns by implementing the EnerViT firing technology. Significant reduction in specific energy consumption and CO2-emission were shown in many successful kiln conversions all over the world, i.e., for the production of sanitaryware, stoneware pipes, flowerpots, tableware, roofing tiles and others.

The gas consumption and CO2 emissions were reduced in kiln plants modernized with EnerViT by up to more than 40 %, depending on kiln brands and production conditions. Thus, while using existing plants, it is possible to achieve high energy savings and reduction of carbon footprint TODAY. The investment in new kiln plants with EnerViT system led to consumption reductions of up to 54 % compared to existing plants. Satisfied customers describe the EnerViT kilns as the being the most efficient ones in their production factories.

Keramischer OFENBAU offers ceramic producers a thorough analysis of the established firing systems with professional optimisation with regard to production process, product quality, amortisation as well as modernisation or new investment. Federal funding projects for energy efficiency in economy may also be an interesting issue for the ceramic manufacturers. Keramischer OFENBAU is very eager to get into direct touch with customers and business partners, and therefore participatesd in the ceramitec conference and exhibition in Munich /DE on 15–16 September 2021.


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