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EPMA Celebrated 25th Anniversary

60 Members of EPMA  – European Powder Metallurgy Association met to network during a two day Annual Meeting, which took place at the start of June – the association celebrated its 25th anniversary.

Executive Board and Council meetings plus the General Assembly were held at the historic Stationers Guild Hall in London/GB. EPMA President, P. Gundermann, welcomed members to the Annual Meeting and gave an overview of the current improving financial and market situation in Europe. He also said he believed that the PM sector will continue to expand in the future because of its technological advantages plus that it is fast-moving, lean, green, cost efficient, and innovative. J. Wroe, Executive Director of EPMA, then gave an update of EPMA’s activities over the past twelve months which focussed on key industry statistics, research projects, a wide range of working group activities, plus the successes of the PM summer school and Euro PM2013 Congress in Gothenburg/SE. He reported that the association has nearly recovered its membership numbers to pre-crisis levels and produced a break even financial result in 2013. A celebration dinner at the same venue followed, whereby all past and current EPMA Presidents were present to reflect on their presidencies. A special one day seminar, covering the development of the European PM industry, took place the following day. The seven invited speakers, who are well-known PM industry figures, included Dr César Molins (AMES S.A./SP), a past President of the EPMA, who gave an excellent and personal overview of the development of the association since, and even before, its formation in 1989. The four papers that followed covered the history of the main sectors of the industry: Prof. P. Beiss (RWTH Aachen/DE) providing an overview of the press and sinter sector; L. Prakash (Kyocera Unimerco), giving an interesting personal view of the hard materials sector and B. Vicenzi (MIM Italia/IT), who gave a high speed overview of the impact of IPR and the development of MIM sector in Europe. Finally O. Grinder (PM Technology AB/SE) gave an update on the relatively new technology of HIP going back to the earliest previously classified work in the 1950’s. V. Arnhold (Arnold-PM) put forward a list of candidates which could be viewed as market changing products for the PM industry – these including PF Con Rods. Adeline Riou (Erasteel S.A.) examined the recent developments in Additive Manufacturing as applied to metal powders. Finally EPMA President P. Gundermann (Eramet Group) made an inspiring speech to present the case for the need for an updated European PM Roadmap, which will help to outline and develop a route forward for the industry in its relations with government, legislation and activities. This roadmap called Vision 2025 is currently being developed and should be available in its final form by January 2015. For EPMA members that could not attend the London event, there will be a special 25th Anniversary commemorative celebration taking place during the Euro PM2014 Congress & Exhibition on 22.09.2014.

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