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Indian Ceramics 2014

Indian Ceramics is the leading trade fair of its kind in India. With an annual attendance of over 5000 visitors from over 30 countries, the ­exhibition has become the most ­ex­citing event for the industry; pos­itioning suppliers of technology and raw materials right at the beating heart of the fastest growing ceramic and heavy clay industries anywhere in the world. 

The 9th edition of the ceramic industry exhibition in India Indian Ceramics 2014 will be held at Gujarat University Exhibition Centre in Ahmedabad from 26–28 February 2014. From 2014 onwards Indian Ceramics – powered by CERAMITEC – is organized by MMI India Pvt. Ltd. On 27 February 2014 (10.00 am to 1.00 pm) cfi – ceramic forum international organizes at the fair centre the Workshop „Advanced Ceramic Process Technologies“ with following topics: Optimization of Body/Glaze Formulations; Advanced Testing of Ceramic (Semi-) Products; Advanced Preparation, Shaping, Dryind and Firing Technologies; New Decoration Technologies as well as Reliable Process Control. It will be an international exhibition in true sense. More than 150 machinery manufacturers, raw-mater­ial suppliers and technology providers of the ceramic industry from all over the world are expected. Global players from China, Germany, Italy and Spain have confirmed their presence. ACIMAC (Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machinery and Equipments for Cer­amics) and ICE (Italian Trade Promotion Agency) have already blocked a large area for an Italian Pavilion at Indian Ceramics 2014.
Indian Ceramics has already received support from government and industry related associations like Central Glass and Ceramics Research Institute, iNDEXTb (Industrial Extension Bureau) Gujarat, GIDC (Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation) & ­RIICO (Rajasthan Industrial Development Corporation) and others. Support from Industry Commissioner of Gujarat is expected and support from related Government agencies is already assured. All ceramic associations in Morbi and Thangadh like Gujarat Ceramic
Floor Tiles Manufacturers Association, Morbi-Dhuva Glaze Tiles Association, Morbi Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as Thangadh and Gujarat based associations like Federation of Ceramic Industries, Panchal Ceramic Association and Ahmedabad based Gujmin Industry Association have already confirmed their support. Similarly area association with a ceramic cluster will be approached. Contacts with Sri Lanka Ceramic Council and Bangladesh Ceramic Wares Manufactures Association as well as other neighboring countries of India, Middle East and the South East region are established. The first edition of Innovation Exchange will be held concurrently and co-located within the show venue. This unique platform is designed for the show participants, industry think-tanks, consultants and industry technicians to provide meaningful insights into current trends, new and emerging technologies, their impact, sustainable and technol­ogies as well as global best practices in the ceramic industry. It is envisaged that 30 min slots through the day on all show days would be taken up by renowned speakers from the exhibitors, sponsors, industry technical associations and special invitees. This program will allow audience to engage in high level talks and to a selection of high quality oral contributions. It will showcase innovative product or service to potential customers. Attendance is free of charge to all Indian Ceramics visitors.
MMI India Pvt. Ltd is an affiliate company of the German Messe München International in India with a registered office in Mumbai, in September 2007. MMI India Pvt. Ltd. has been founded to provide Messe München International with timely and competent organisational support for its increasing involvement in India. With nine affiliates abroad – in Europe, Asia and in Africa – and over 60 foreign representatives actively serving over 90 countries, Messe München Inter­national has a worldwide business network.
Further information is available at: www.indian-ceramics.com or Tarun Marwah, Project Director, E-mail: tarun.marwah@mmi-india.in

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