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Italian Ceramic Machinery Sector Figures for 2014

According to the preliminary figures published by the Statistics Department of ACIMAC – Italian Ceramic Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers’ Association – the sector’s 2014 turnover will total EUR 1890 million, a year-on-year increase of 10,5 %.

If this is confirmed by the final figures due to be published in June 2014, it will be the second best result in the sector’s history following the EUR 1937 million posted in 2007. This excellent result has been achieved through growth in both the international and Italian markets. At around EUR 1500 million (up 9 % year on year), exports continue to make up the largest share of the sector’s turnover (almost 79 %). This result is particularly significant considering the overall state of the world economy and the social unrest and economic slowdown affecting many geographical areas. The sector also registered an excellent performance in the Italian market with total domestic sales of EUR 400 million, 16,6 % up on 2013 (21,2 % of total turnover). This was largely a result of the tax concessions on the purchase of capital goods offered by the so-called “Sabatini Bis Law”, which has encouraged ceramic companies to resume investments in manufacturing innovation. ”The forecasts for the coming year are cautious,” said ACIMAC’s Chairman, Fabio Tarozzi. “In recent months we have seen a slowdown in the main economic indicators in many countries worldwide. Based on the latest information, we are expecting current levels of business to be maintained,” continued Fabio Tarozzi.

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