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ITC and Azulev Collaborate in CO2 Emissions Abatement

The Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC)/ES and the ceramic tile manu­facturer Azulev/ES have been awarded the necessary funding by the European Commission to carry out the project Reducer, which seeks primarily to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere in the ceramic tile manufacturing process.

The project has a timeline of 18 months and is funded by the European Union through the Sustainable Industry Low Carbon (SILC) scheme. According to ITC, the project’s main aim is to support the projects conducted in processing industries affected by emissions trading in order to help those industries address the challenges of a low-carbon economy and maintain their competitiveness. The Reducer activities focus on optimising energy consumption in process facilities through the implementation of energy-saving actions in the installations with the greatest natural gas consumption. In this sense, ITC notes that the ceramic tile manufacturing process involves consumption of a great amount of thermal energy, mainly from natural gas combustion. This combustion process gives rise to air emissions of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, the emissions of which are internationally subject to monitoring and restrictions. Azulev is one of the ceramic tile manu­facturing companies in Castellón affected by Directive 2003/87/​EC, which establishes a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading, so that the company needs to meet all legal obligations stemming from this regulation. The Reducer project will combine the development of several pioneering techniques, which will be implemented at the Azulev facilities, with a view to reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as energy and environmental costs. ITC sources highlight that “in the middle term, it will be possible to transfer these technical developments to other com­panies with similar problems, so that the results may be expected to have a great impact on a sectoral level.” (3/2013)

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