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Cismac’s Activities in Russia

In contrast to the world economic crisis tendency, Cismac/IT has completed in 2012 to set up a complete brick factory entirely designed and built with „Made in Cismac“ technology.

Kapital Invest is the partner, based in Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia. The brickyard has an output cap­acity of 700 t/d approximately, corres­ponding to 90 000 000 bricks/a with a percentage of perforation up to a rate of 33 %. The main objective of the project as well as a special feature of the system is the adoption of innovative production technology to guarante, on the one hand low-energy consumption, on the other hand high quality products in conformity with the Gost Russian qual­ity standards. In 2013 Cismac will build a new kiln cars loading system using an advanced roboter system. This new processing plant will be build up for the Revdinskiy Kirpichniy Group, one of the largest and most representative groups of the Ural Asian area near to Ekaterinburg. This collabor­ation will give Cismac the opportun­ity to realize a system for bricks
hand­ling and loading on kiln cars  assuring to the customer tangible advantages in terms of final product quality, significant increase in prod­uctivity, careful monitoring of any stage of the flow production and a fundamental improvement of the internal mode of handling and logistics. (3/2013)

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