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LIFE Eggshellence Project Coordinated by ITC-AICE

In the framework of the LIFE Eggshellence project, supported by the European Commission through the LIFE 2014-2020 Environment and Climate Action Programme (Ref.: LIFE19 ENV/ES/000121), the obtaining of calcium bio-carbonate from eggshells, waste generated by the Navarrese company AGOTZAINA, S.L./ES, a partner of the project, has started in May, in the presence of the supervisor assigned by the EC to monitor the tasks of the project in this follow-up meeting of the actions.

LIFE Eggshellence, whose objective is to study the viability of the use of calcium bio-carbonate obtained from eggshell in ceramic tiles, has already installed in the company AGOTZAINA S.L. the prototype built by the company MAINCER, S.L./ES, also partner of the project and manufacturer of machinery for the ceramic industry. This prototype has been designed and built to separate the biological membrane from eggshell waste. At this meeting it was possible to attend these first tests where, once the membrane has been separated, the bio-carbonate comes out on a conveyor belt.

Once this bio-carbonate has been obtained, it will be incorporated as a secondary raw material to replace mineral calcium carbonate in ceramic tile compositions. Other project partners were also present: the company ADM of the MOTA SC group  in Portugal and the Spanish company GRUPO EUROATOMIZADO from Vilafamés (Castellón), to carry out tests with the support of the ITC-AICE/ES and the University of Aveiro/PT, also a partner in the project.

At the meeting, in addition to supervising the satisfactory operation of the recently installed prototype and planning the tests to be carried out in order to achieve the maximum possible recovery of the shell, the progress of the rest of the project’s actions was checked. Thus, the administrative processes to be carried out for the use of bio-carbonate by ceramic companies have been defined, the processes studied to define the prototype already installed have been discussed and the results obtained in the characterisation of the first compositions of tiles with bio-carbonate have been shown. The networking and dissemination actions carried out by all the members of the consortium were also discussed.


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