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PM Innovative Solutions at ceramitec 2018

ceramitec 2018 will be held on the grounds of Messe München/DE from 10–13 April 2018. And several months before these dates it is already certain that the event enjoys great popularity among the exhibitors in the Power Metallurgy (PM) segment again.

Well-known international exhibitors, such as DORST Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, ProGrit GmbH, Laeis Bucher GmbH, Osterwalder AG, Maschinenfabrik Lauffer, EROWA AG, KOMAGE-Gellner Maschinenfabrik KG, SEPR SAINT-GOBAIN ZIRPRO and Saint-Gobain Silicon Carbide – to mention but a few – have already signed up again for ceramitec 2018. They will present their new mechanical and thermal processes in PM, as for example even better manufacturing processes and appropriately optimised materials.
PM products are nowadays omnipresent in many technical areas. Due to their high economic efficiency and functional flexibility, PM parts have become the rule in the past decades, above all in the automotive industry, aerospace, mechanical engineering, medical technology and the electrical industry. Besides high performance, the economic aspect is in the foreground when PM products are used. The topic of mobility, in particular, is closely related with PM because the automotive industry is the most important customer industry for PM components. In turn, one of the focuses in the automotive sector is on electric mobility, which entails new challenges.
If one casts a glance at the procedural aspect, there is a focus on increased sintering temperatures. There has been a sharp increase in the prices for alloy elements, such as nickel and molybdenum; by contrast, chromium, manganese and silicon are gaining in importance as alloy elements because they offer the targeted higher ­levels of strength. The sintering temperature of 1250 °C, which is required for this, is crit­ical for conveyor-type kilns. Therefore, new plants show a trend towards roller kilns. In this context, the industrial furnace construction sector will present optimised concepts at ceramitec 2018.
In the area of forming technologies, pressing, extruding, powder injection moulding and Additive Manufacturing (AM) are being continuously refined. Initially, AM was predominantly used for rapid prototyping. Now, however, AM is paving the way for further fields of application of PM com­pon­ents – for example in medicine and aircraft construction. In this context, the focus in aircraft construction is on components for high-temperature applications, which must simultaneously meet the requirements of lightweight construction.
To be able to cope with applications placing high demands on the required strengths, Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) is indispensable for subsequent densification, particularly with components produced by AM. New HIP plants directly tailored to the needs of PM have already been developed. The topic of Industry 4.0 will be mapped on the basis of ceramitec 2018, because it is especially driven by the automotive industry. Meanwhile, suppliers of PM plants have taken it up and are working on its technological implementation.

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