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Successful Symposium Held by Keller in Novosibirsk

During the KERAMTEX, a project created by the Russian trade journal Stroitelnyje Materialy, Keller HCW/DE was an exclusive co-host of the workshop “Innovative technologies for brick factories with medium and low output” held at the Exhibition Centre Novosibirsk Expozenter.

  Due to the very specific nature of the presentations and lectures, about 50 specialists form the Siberian ceramic industry and related institutes and universities accepted the invitation to participate at the Symposium. Apart from the KERAMTEX Symposium a further important centre of attraction was the visit to the state-of-the-art brick factory in Siberia built by Keller: MESON-L, Brick factory LIKOLOR. Many visitors emphasised during their tour of the brick factory that the complete technological production line works extraordinarily safe and stable on a very high level of automation. All machinery, robots, installations and equipment was exclusively designed in Germany and then installed in the factory. Another feature in the course of KERAMTEX was a visit to the fair Sibbuld 2012. Especially noticed here was the fact that it was a great demand for high-quality ceramic facing bricks with a textured or sanded surface and for bricks with a colouring obtained by “flashing”.

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