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Verder Scientific Aquires EZ-mat

Verder Group/NL is a family owned group of companies in the 2nd generation, with 2200 employees and sales of approx. USD 500 million. The Group is already deep­ly engaged and well reputed in the global development, manufacturing and distribution of products and services of state-of-the-art scientific applications.

The Group comprises the Scientific Div­ision, Verder Scientific, (high-tech laboratory and analytical instruments) and the Liquids Div­ision (positive displacement pumps). Ver­der Scientific consists of the manufac­turing companies ATM GmbH (instruments for materialography), QNESS GmbH (hardness testing), RETSCH GmbH (sample prep­ar­ation and particle analysis of solids), RETSCH Technology GmbH (optical systems for particle characterisation), Microtrac Inc (equipment for particle characterisation based on light scattering), Microtrac Bel Corp (surface and porosity analysis), ELTRA GmbH (combustion analysers for elemental analysis) and CARBOLITE GERO (laboratory and industrial furnaces and ovens).
Verder Scientific has formally agreed to acquire all shares of the Chinese company EZ-mat and become its sole owner. EZ-mat is a distributor of material testing equipment in China and, amongst others, already represents two of the Verder Scientific product lines for metallographic preparation and hardness testing, ATM and Qness. With its 35 employees, EZ-mat has an excellent reputation for providing customers with the full range of material testing solutions. In addition to comprehensive knowledge regarding products and applications in the field, EZ-mat will provide Verder Scientific with direct access to the according customer segments. Verder Scientific is already represented with its own company, Verder Shanghai Instruments and Equipment Co., Ltd., which currently maintains four offices with a staff of 50 in China. With the combined EZ-mat workforce, Verder Shanghai will become a major player in the distribution of quality control equipment.

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