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Carbon Footprint Reduction in Ceramic Kilns: Which Role can Hydrogen Play in it?

The ceramics industry finds itself at the crossroads in selecting a path that would lead towards carbonneutrality within the next 30 years. The energy-intensive firing kilns in each of the ceramic sub-sectorsare inextricably bound to a high level of carbon emissions, as they primarily use natural gas for meetingtheir energy requirements. In this article, light … Weiterlesen …

CREMER High-Temperature Continuous Pusher Type Furnace

CREMER Thermoprozessanlagen GmbH/DE has developed a high-temperature pusher type furnace with which the upper limits of carburization processing temperatures are challenged. During the course of a EU-sponsored project, CARBIDE2500, demonstration activities are planned to show the possibilities of the new furnace technology concerning the production of high-temperature tungsten carbide powder for hardmetal tooling applications.